Trust & Safety

  • 01

    Obtained IMS certification for Internet-based matchmaking services

    Enito Group's service is not a so-called dating service. The IMS certification is only given to matching apps that meet strict criteria such as thorough identity verification, 24/7 monitoring, and appropriate personal information protection management. Only six companies in Japan have received this certification (as of February 2023).
    Internet-based Marriage Matchmaking Service Certification (IMS)
  • 02

    24 hours/365 days surveillance system

    Enito Group takes our customer's safey and security to be our highest priorities. That's why we monitor and eliminates suspicious individuals who attempt to use our service with malicious intent 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In our approach to security and safety, we make full use of the latest technologies such as AI to not only detect fraudulent users at an early stage, but also to detect problematic users, forcibly cancel their membership, and prevent them from reusing the service. In more serious situations, we also report and cooperate with the proper authorities and other public agencies.
    24 hours/365 days
  • 03

    Healthier service environment

    We strive to maintain a sound service environment so that our customers can use our services comfortably. Specifically, we use public identification to verify the identity of our customers and to eliminate fraudulent users. We also use state-of-the-art technology to monitor and remove inappropriate language and images from profiles and other postings. We are committed to providing a safer and more secure environment for our users, aiming to make our service "a service that you would feel comfortable recommending to your friends".
  • 04

    User awareness activities

    The Enito Group aims to provide a safe and secure service to our customers and we continually educate our users through various methods on how to protect themselves. For example, the in-app Safety Center provides easy-to-understand information on what to watch out for in messages and first dates.
  • 05

    Acquired TRUSTe, a worldwide certification for the protection of personal information

    We have acquired TRUSTe, a worldwide third-party certification system for personal information protection. This certifies the credibility and reliability of our handling of personal and privacy information, and we are committed to operating our services in a manner that handles information appropriately.
  • 06

    Contributing to the entire matching app industry

    The Enito Group is a board member of the Marriage and Marriage Support Project (MSPJ), a general incorporated foundation that aims to create an environment where more people can use matching apps openly and safely. Working together with leading companies in the matching app industry, we are committed to ensuring the health of the industry and helping to address the issues of unmarried people and declining birthrates in Japan.
    Marriage and Marriage Support Project (MSPJ)
  • 07

    Clean advertising expression

    We produce advertisements that are sincere and clean so that people seeking serious encounters can use our services with peace of mind. Since the timing of love is unique to each individual, we are conscious of never rushing or imposing expressions. We will continue to strive to express our advertisements in a way that is close to people's feelings and gives them a gentle nudge when they need it.
  • Careers

    We warmly welcome professionals who believe in our vision, mission and values.

  • Contact

    For inquiries regarding collaborations, business partnerships, requests for interviews, lectures, and other matters, please use the contact button below.